Friday, June 18, 2010
Gigitan Ular
Bawa pasien ke RS terdekat harus kurang dari 4/5 jam.
Istirahatkan, jaga suhu tubuhnya, jaga nafas&denyut jantungnya, bersihkan luka dengan air sabun, jangan mengompres.
Berikan obat penghilang rasa sakit, asam fetamat(pondstan), bila pasien nyeri.
Berikan belat jika pembengkakan terjadi.
Bila pasien mulai mengigau, ga sadar atau pingsan. Iris lukanya, keluarkan bisanya, lalu cuci bersih luka dan mulut kamu. Lalu kencangkan ikatan belat, sampai darah berhenti mengalir pada luka gigitan, kamu harus memilih antara hidup pasien atau hilang sebagian anggota tubuhnya (itu resiko mengencangkan belat).
Writer : Wilandika
Pingsan atau ga Sadar
Kalau tubuh pasien pucat, pasien mengeluhkan pusing dan pasien mengeluarkan keringat dingin, setelah berolahraga, kemungkinan pasien terkena dehidrasi.
Berikan pasien air teh hangat atau susu atau oralit, sebanyak banyaknya, bila ada di infus, pasien baru pulih setelah 24jam, untuk mengatasi pusing si pasien, berikan obat tidur.
Kalau napas pasien berbunyi, sesak, lalu pingsan, dia kemungkinan mengidap asma, jangan biarkan pasien pingsan sebelum asmanya diobati (baca:asma).
Kalau pasien mual2, muntah pipi merah, tapi muka pucat, kemungkinan dia lemas, belum makan, maagg, lalu pingsan, berikan perawatan mual2 (baca:mual2).
Writer : Wilandika
Air Minum
1. Tidak berbau
2. Tidak berasa, apalagi pait
3. Tidak berwarna, atau jernih
4. Tidak bersuhu panas, dikhawatirkan mengandung belerang/logam
tanaman dan hewan yang berada di sekitar air, tetap hidup. Dan usahakan ga minum aliran air di gua.
di gunung gede ada situ yang warnanya biru atau ada sungai yang suhunya hangat, air itu, ga bisa diminum.
Air laut yang asin , ga bisa diminum.
Pengolahan air,
1. Air yang keruh, misal :dalam kubangan air, bisa di saring dengan penyaring ukuran 0,063mm, direbus, lalu di endapkan.
2. Air laut cukup sulit untuk di saring, perlu alat khusus, karena air laut termasuk suspensi bukan campuran, cara yang cukup mudah, dengan cara penguapan, air laut di rebus, tapi yang diminum adalah uapnya.
3. Air hujan yang tidak asam, Air sungai, mata air, air danau yang jernih, air embun, air didalam batang pohon, air tetesan dari akar2an, air dalam kantung semar, bisa langsung diminum.
Writer : Wilandika
Sunday, April 18, 2010
ambahan, ini beberapa tambahan yang cukup penting dalam navigasi dan beberapa pengembangan yang saya lakukan dalam mempelaja...
kamu melakukan rections dan atau intersections, tapi hanya ada satu bangunan pada peta, kamu bisa tetap melakukan nya dengan mengambil titik potong antara garis yang melalui bangunan tersebut dengan ketinggian dimana kamu berada pada saat itu (mencari ketinggian dan mencari sebuah titik sudah dibahas pada catatan sebelumnya).
kalau kamu melakukan receptions dan atau interceptions dan tidak ada petunjuk satu pun dalam peta, tidak ada bangunan satupun dan peta kontur yang kamu miliki hanya terdiri dari garis saja tanpa ada titik triangulasinya.
ini menggunakan metode trigonometri dan atau menggunakan metode penskalaan. (secara prinsip). cukup sulit untuk menjelaskannya, tapi kalau kamu tertarik bisa menghubungi saya langsung.
kalau kamu tidak membawa apa apa, tersesat dihutan, bahkan alat tulis pun tak ada.
1. tenang
2. jangan buru _ buru pergi dari tempat itu, pelajari alam sekitar merupakan hal yang bijak.
3. buat peta kontur sendiri, rekam semuanya didalam otak kamu. (baca dulu catatan _ catatan sebelumnya).
4. tinggalkan jejak, tinggalkan tanda kalau kamu mau pergi, tinggalkan tanda kalau kamu mau belok.
5. kalau kamu tersesat cukup lama dan akhirnya kamu hanya berputar_putar. lebih baik kamu mencari/membuat tempat istirahat yang hangat dan aman. menyiapkan makan untuk beberapa jam kedepan. mencari air atau menampung air. mengeringkan kayu. membuat api untuk nanti malam. kalau sudah 2 / 3hari kamu tersesat dan hasilnya masih terus berputar_putar ada baiknya kamu membuat apa yang saya tulis diatas sebagai persediaan seminggu kedepan. kalau dalam satu minggu hasilnya nihil juga, pertolongan tak ada bahkan kamu masih terus saja berputar_putar. sebaiknya kamu mulai berfikir untuk tinggal disitu.
karena navigasi merupakan bagian dari survival (bertahan hidup).
jangan mengeluh, tetap bekerja keras, jangan putus asa, hargai kehidupan mu sendiri.
semoga bermanpaat.
Writer : Wilandika
navigasi bagian kelima, mengetahui posisi suatu titik di peta dan titik tersebut merupakan titik yang kamu tuju (intersections).
kalau kamu dekat 2 buah bangunan dan kamu ingin mendapatkan suatu titik dimana itu sebuah puncak gunung, tapi kamu ga tau posisi puncak tersebut pada peta.
1.buka peta. simpan ditempat yang datar. sesuaikan arah utaranya dengan arah utara magnetis.
2. 2 buah bangunan yang berada di dekat kamu. misal : makam dikanan kamu dan tower dikiri kamu. makam kita namakan titik A, tower kita namakan titik B, tempat yang akan kita tuju titik C.
4.kamu ke titik A, bidik ke titik C, ambil sudutnya dan bentuk garis yang memotong titik A dan C.
5.kamu pergi ke kiri, ke titik B, bidik ke titik C, ambil sudutnya dan bentuk garis yang memotong titik B dan C.
6. perpotongan antara garis AC dengan BC itu titik yang kamu tuju.
Writer : Wilandika
navigasi bagian kelima, mencari titik dimana kamu berada pada peta (receptions)
1.lihat peta
2.dengan menggunakan kompas orientasi, sesuaikan arah utara pada peta dengan arah utara pada kompas.
3.cari garis lintang yang sesuai dengan soal diatas dan cari garis bujur yang sesuai dengan soal diatas.
4.perpotongan antara garis lintang dan garis bujur tersebut merupakan titik kamu dipeta dan titik kamu berada sekarang.
mudah kan??
memang mudah karna kamu menggunakan GPS!!
lain hal kalau kamu tidak menggunakan GPS, kamu ga tau berapa derajat kamu berada dan kamu ga tau dimana kamu berada pada peta... kamu tersesat dan kamu hanya bermodalkan kompas, penggaris, peta, pensil... kamu sendiri dimalam yang dingin... ga ada bulan... ga ada petunjuk navigasi dengan menggunakan alam.. minta tolong pun sama siapa, karena kamu ada dihutan yang gelap dan rapat...
apa kamu ingin menyerah pada keadaan dimana kamu tidak mempunyai pilihan lain, selain berdiam diri sampai menunggu pertolongan, yang tidak akan pernah datang atau kamu mau mencari jalan keluar, dengan bermodalkan alat navigasi seadanya yang kamu miliki?
pilihan kedua lebih baik untuk kamu, karena kamu lebih menghargai kehidupan.
Cerita ini akan saya bahas dicatatan selanjutnya... dengan materi receptions dan interceptions...
Writer : Wilandika
navigasi bagian lima, titik triangulasi untuk mengetahui seberapa tinggikah kamu berada berdasarkan garis nol dipermukaan laut.
permasalahannya adalah jika kamu berdiri bukan tepat pada 2500mdpl tapi berada diantara 2400mdpl dan 2500mdpl.
1.lihat peta kontur
2.lihat dititik mana kamu berada, misal kamu berada pada 1/4 jarak mendekati garis 2400mdpl dan 3/4 jarak mendekati garis 2500mdpl.
3.karena yang dipakai peta dengan intervar 100 meter, 1/4 dari 100meter berarti 25meter, artinya kamu berada pada 2425meter diatas permukaan laut.
masalah tidak berhenti sampai disitu, misal kamu memang tau kamu berada pada titik diantara 2400mdpl dan 2500 mdpl, tapi kamu ga tau tepatnya kamu bedara dimana, 1/4 nya? 1/5? 1/2? itu kamu ga tau...
1.titik yang kamu buat dipeta berdasarkan kamu berdiri, kamu namakan titik C.
2.buat garis tegak lurus yang memotong garis 2400mdpl, memotong titik C dan memotong garis 2500mdpl. garis tersebut kamu namakan garis D.
3.titik perpotongan antara garis D dan garis 2400mdpl kamu namakan titik A.
4.titik perpotongan antara garis D dan garis 2500mdpl kamu namakan titik B.
5.menggunakan penggaris cari jarak dari A ke B, misal 5cm.
6. cari jarak dari C ke A, misal 1cm.
logika berfikir:
7.jarak dari A ke B, 5cm dengan interval (beda tinggi) 100meter. berapa beda tinggi jarak dari C ke A, jika jaraknya 1cm??kan gitu?
8.100meter dibagi 5cm sama dengan 20meter tiap 1cm. karena jarak dari C ke A, 1cm jadi beda tingginya 20meter.
9. 2400mdpl ditambah 20meter, jadi kamu berada pada titik 2420mdpl.
Writer : Wilandika
navigasi bagian ke lima, pembahasan tentang; mendalam atau mempelajari sifat_sifat dari peta kontur
peta kontur terdiri dari garis_garis.
kenapa nol nya permukaan laut?karena permukaan laut dinilai sama disemua tempat di bumi, sesuai dengan sifat_sifat air.
sifat peta kontur:
1.setiap garis dari peta kontur mempunyai ketinggian yang berbeda dengan garis lainnya.
2.berapa perbedaan antar garisnya? tergantung dari interval atau jarang yang dipakai dalam peta kontur tersebut, ada yang interval 10meter, ada yang 100 meter, ada yang 1meter.
3.peta kontur menggambarkan bentuk permukaan tanah. misal: dalam satu garis di peta kontur akan berbentuk bulat jika permukaan tanahnya bulat. akan berbentuk garis lurus jika itu tebing. akan berbentuk V dengan menjorok kelaut jika itu teluk. akan berbentuk V terbalik dengan menjorok ke kelaut jika itu semenanjung. dan lain lain.
4.peta kontur sama seperti peta lainnya, mempunyai garis lintang dan garis bujur. lintang utara, lintang selatan, bujur barat, bujur timur.
5.garis lintang dan garis bujur digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu titik pada peta untuk menjadi orientasi pada sumbu X dan Y pada sistem koordinat.(horisontal)
5.sedangkan konturnya tersubut, untuk menjadi orientasi sumbu Z secara vertikal.
6.satuan lintang dan bujur yaitu derajat menit detik, sedangkan satuan kontur yaitu meter.
7.peta kontur mempunyai titik triangulasi (berupa angka), yaitu titik yang menggambarkan ketinggian suatu tanah terhadap permukaan laut.
8. titik triangulasi akan dibahas dalam catatan selanjutnya.
Writer : Wilandika
navigasi ke empat, navigasi dengan menggunakan peralatan buatan
materi terakhir membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dalam membuatnya, sedangkan yang kedua terakhir akan saya bahas dalam catatan ini.
alat_alat yang dipakai dalam navigasi buatan:
kompas bidik:suatu kompas yang dipakai untuk mengetahui, berapa derajatkah, benda yang sedang kita bidik, terhadap arah utara magnetis.
kompas orientasi:untuk mengetahui, berapa derajatkah, sudut/titik/gambar di peta terhadap arah utara magnetis dan arah utara peta atau arah utara sebenarnya.
perlu diketahui bahwa antar arah utara magnetis dengan arah utara peta atau arah utara sebenarnya itu berbeda, arah utara megnetis saat ini berada di daerah kepulauan seribia (kalau ga salah) dan nanti akan berubah, sesuai dengan kandungan biji besi yang terdapat pada perut bumi, artinya ada beberapa derajat antara arah utara sebenarnya dengan arah utara megnetis, tapi itu kecil dan bisa diabaikan.
peta kontur:peta yang menggambaran beda tinggi permukaan tanah.
waktunya untuk tidur.
nanti materi yang terakhir dan terpenting dibahas belakangan, kalo moodnya keluar.
Writer : Wilandika
navigasi bag 3, masih dalam satu konteks dimana navigasi merupakan sebuah cara untuk menemukan sebuah orientasi
bagaimana kalau kamu tersesat dihutan sendirian?
malam hari yang sunyi, ada makam para wali dipinggir tempat kamu berdiri, digunung, ditengah padang rumput yang sangat rapat dan malam itu cuaca medung.
makam dapat membantu kamu, karena itu dapat menjadi sebuah alat navigasi.
makam islam akan menghadap kesebelah selatan dengan muka di utara, jika kamu berhadapan dengan nisannya, sebelah kanan kamu timur, kiri kamu barat.
rumput sangat mudah tertiup angin, jadi kamu bisa munggunakan rumput yang bergoyang atau batang pohon yang miring sebagai orientasi, angin pada malam hari bergerak dari darat kelaut, pada siang hari dari laut ke darat. dari daratan ke gunung pada siang hari, dari gunung kedaratan pada malam hari. dari timur ke barat pada pagi hari, dari barat ke timur pada siang hari. tapi saya tidak merekomendasikan dengan menggunakan cara angin.
kalau langit cerah pada malam hari, kamu bisa menggunakan bulan sabit, bulan bercahaya karena pantulan sinar matahari, arah dimana bulan sabit itu mengarah, artinya itu arah datang atau pergi nya matahari, artinya itu arah barat atau timur, artinya arah timur untuk tanggal muda dan arah barat untuk tanggal tua (penanggalan islam).
menggunakan matahari dengan bantuan tongkat,tongkat yang di tegakkan akan membentuk bayangan,kita warga indonesia beruntung berada dalam garis katulistiwa,artinya bayangan yang jatuh dari tongkat akan menunjukkan lawan arah dari matahari,artinya barat dari pagi sampai siang,timur dari siang sampai sore.
begitu pula lumut,setau saya,lumut tinggal didaerah lembam dengan tidak terkena langsung cahaya matahari.
aliran sungai atau mata air yang mengarah ke pedesaan atau perkotaan.
jejak binatang yang mengarah dari sarang ke sumber air.
lembah yang dalam akan mengarah ke pedesaan atau perkotaan.
mesjid kecil ditengah hutan yang mengarah kebarat.
titik triangulasi, berada di puncak gunung.
dan masih banyak lagi yang bisa dijadikan acuan untuk mencari orientasi.
Writer : Wilandika
navigasi bagian 2, mempelajari navigasi sebagai alat bantu menemukan sebuah orientasi atau patokan
sebelum kamu baca tulisan ini alanhkah baiknya kamu baca dulu navigasi bagian satunya, karena tulisan_tulisannya saya buat secara sistematis, agar mudah dipahami.
pengertian navigasi, nah ini dia saya lupa pengertiannya, ada hubungan nya ama kapal,,, serius loh,,, saya ga bohong ... kalau kamu bertanya kenapa kapal,,, karena jaman dulu navigasi sebuah ilmu yang sempit dimana kendaraan yang dulu dipake yaitu kapal...
mending mengarang bebas aja yaaa,,, navigasi adalah sebuah cara yang dilakukan oleh navigator untuk mencari dan menemukan sebuah orientasi atau patokan...(wilandika,dalam cacatannya "navigasi 2":2010)
orang yang melakukan navigasi disebut navigator.
peralatan untuk navigasi saya bagi menjadi 2, navigasi alam dan navigasi buatan.
buatan:kompas bidik,kompas orientasi,peta kontur,penggaris,pensil, bahkan alat disekitar anda pun bisa menjadi alat navigasi.
alam:lumut, pohon, jejak, mata angin, rasi bintang, matahari, bulan, dll.
tempat bernavigasi saya bagi menjadi 3, navigasi darat, laut dan udara.
pembagian diatas serupa tapi tak sama, jadi ada beberapa bagian yang sama ada beberapa yang berbeda.
navigasi membutuhkan ketelitian, pengalaman, perasaan, kejadian yang berulang, dan tentunya pengetahuan.
segini gilu, ini baru pendahuluan,,selanjutnya dibahas di navigasi 3
Writer : Wilandika
tes tes tes, belajar nulis, dasar dasar navigasi 1 = > mencari jalan untuk pulang . hehehe
wilandika:apa yang kamu lakukan kalo kamu ter sesat?
saya pikir, mencoba untuk berusaha tetap tenang (merupakan hal cukup bijaksana) itu yang pertama, kedua ngingat-ngingat kembali jalan yang barusan dilalui dan atau mencari patokan sebagai suatu orientasi dimana kamu bisa menemukan jalan mana yang akan kamu tuju, terakhir kamu bertanya sama orang yang lewat atau sama orang yang lagi nongkrong.
Budi Sedang Tersesat:"aduh saya tersesat nihhh,,,"
BST dia berkata pada diri sendiri:"tenang bud,,,ntar juga bakal balik ko,,,"
BST:"okei,,,aku harus tenang"
BTS:"satau saya, saya sedang tersesat disebuah pertigaan di daerah geger kalong"
"pertigaan itu menghadap ke barat, ke utara, ke selatan"
"dan setau saya pertigaan yang menghadap ke utara, itu ke arah lembang,"
"dan setau saya juga, rumah saya berada pada satu arah dengan arah lembang,yaitu ke utara"
"untuk lebih meyakinkan analisis saya, lebih baik saya bertanya"
akhirnya budi pun bertanya dan ternyata benar, arah rumah budi sejajar dengan arah utara atau munuju arah lembang, dan akhirnya budi pun mengambil jalan itu.
tulisan di atas menggambarkan bagaimana pola pikir manusia, terhadap apa yang terjadi dengan dirinya dan berusaha memecahkan masalahnya, dengan mencari jalan keluar.
itu terjadi di daerah perkotaan atau pedesaan, karena sangat mudah mencari patokan dan bisa langsung bertanya pada orang disekitarnya.
lain halnya jikalau kamu tersesat diluasnya samudra, dalamnya lautan, tingginya langit, rapatnya tebing, lebatnya hutan, dipuncak gunung, ditengah-tengah gurun pasir dan di dinginnya kutub alaska sana...hehehehee
nah itu yang akan saya ulas dalam catatan navigasi yang kedua.
Writer : Wilandika
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Swimming to Grow Taller
Does swimming make you grow taller? If you look at those stretching exercises to grow taller, you’ll realize that most of them utilize the same body motions as of swimming. This indicates that swimming work the correct muscles group for height growth.
Some height growing facts for competitive swimmers include most competitive swimmers have slim body, thin waist, broad shoulder and tall posture. Those professional swimmers surely gains in height from swimming.
Swimming is considered as one among the best height increase exercises. Swimming is great for your entire cardio vascular system. Swimming increases the spine length, broadens your shoulders and chest, increases your energy level and also increases your breathing capacity.
Swimming to grow taller is an exercise that workouts and stretches ever all the muscle groups in your body. When you put your body through a swim, you’ll get a full workout of several muscles through the entire body that few exercises can match. This will certainly benefit your height growth. Thus, swimming does make you grow taller.
Swimming has been known to increase the production of human growth hormone significantly thus improve the possibility of any height increase. The primary factors of the human growth hormone secretion are believed to be from nitric oxide and lactate. These are produced from resistance training. Thus you need to do stretching exercises correctly for a minimum of 10 minutes with great intensity to increase the chances for growing taller from swimming. Swimming is a good exercise for this purpose.
Does swimming increase height in kids? Can swimming help increase height in children? Indeed, swimming to grow taller is especially effective if you started to swim in young age. If you want your kids to grow tall, let them learn how to swim. Kids who swim during their teenage are found to be taller than non swimmers. Even after teenage, continuous swimming exercise can help you grow tall.
How to get taller by swimming? A proper way to get taller by swimming is to perform the swimming styles that workout and stretch the entire muscles group the most. Some of the best swimming styles to grow taller include:
* Breaststroke
This is carried out by kicking your legs towards the back and stretching your arms forwards. This helps to increase the spine length. Besides the spine, swimming also lengthens several other parts of the body.
* Freestyle
Another good swimming style to grow taller is freestyle since it needs you to stretch out maximally during each stroke thus greatly benefit your growth and flexibility.
Don’t eat anything two hours prior to swimming, but if you have to, drinking juices should be fine. You’ll also need to consume the appropriate amount of proteins and carbohydrates to replenish your energy.
Next, in order to get taller by swimming, you need to be in your best shape. This is because swimming to grow taller and increase height doesn’t work alone. Instead, a combination of proper exercising, healthy eating and enough sleep can contribute in increase height. This is especially true during the pubertal period, however, height most likely increase only slightly in adulthood.
Your body grows the most when it is at rest. That’s the time when the body restores the adequate balance of amino acids and minerals that encourage growth. Not getting enough sleep can decrease the production of human growth hormone.
Healthy diet consists of height increase food, best regime of exercises and enough rest is the only way in which you can increase your height realistically. This is the only answer to your question about how to get taller by swimming.
Swimming to grow taller is not an overnight process. It requires some time to show results. However, swimming will definitely produce results. With consistent efforts, you not only grow taller but also stronger by performing it everyday.
Moreover, to grow to your maximum potential height, you need to be in your best health and fitness level. A balanced consumption of nutrients, appropriate exercising and adequate sleep helps in the overall health and fitness of the body.
Do remember that height is primarily dependant on genetics. You can surely swim to add height. But, you cannot expect to be 6.2" when you’re genetically prone to be 5” tall. But swimming will make you healthy and active, which is more important.
Finally, swimming to grow taller is not only a great exercise that help increase height. It is also great for your entire cardiovascular system. It helps to prevent backbone distortion, correct posture, lengthen the spine, broaden your shoulders and chest, increase your energy level and also increase capacity of your lungs. Even if you are no longer a teenager or your physiognomy is genetically short or it’s almost impossible for you to get taller by swimming, swimming regularly is still beneficial to you.
Source :
Eight Tips to Increase Height
Healthy lifestyle
- Eat healthy foods with a balanced nutrition. Find out more here
- Exercise a lot especially type of exercise that can lengthen the muscle like swimming, cycling, basket ball, etc.
- Sleep well at least 8 hours everyday
- Don't smoke and stay away from people who smoke
- Don't take illicit drugs and don't drink alcohol

There's no guarantee that you'll gain height by living healthy since many factors might affect your body height. If you're still on your puberty phase, the successful rate is higher than if you're an adult. But becoming healthful is a great thing, anything you obtain from the process should be considered as an extra bonus, included your body height increase. This is one of the best ways to grow taller naturally.
Exercises to increase height
Try search for "grow taller exercises" or "stretching exercises to increase height" in Google and you'll get plenty of websites that provide free stretching exercises to increase height. The movement in the exercise is specially designed to lengthen human body. The exercise might help in improving your body height. Although the effectiveness of the exercises to increase height is not known yet, it won't hurt to give it a try. You can also learn more about exercises to increase height in this article: Height Increasing Exercises to Make You Taller.
Height Increase Shoes
For an instant and temporary increase of body height you can wear height increase shoes (often called elevating shoes). It can add up to 4 inches to your height. You can easily find elevating shoes that suited your need in many shoe stores. Nowadays, the model of elevating shoes has improved so much that most people won't notice the existence of the hidden height increase insoles in your elevating shoes.
You can find out more about elevator shoes in this article.
Human Growth Hormones
Human growth is affected by human growth hormone (HGH). The hormone is given to children who might or do not grow perfectly. It's given through injection. HGH injection must be prescribed by doctors because of the possible complications.
Mostly, oral products of HGH such as pills, spray, or powders is not effective and have no effect on height since HGH will be broken down by stomach acids before it enter the bloodstream. Think again before buy any of these products.
Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique was developed by the late F. Matthias Alexander. The technique teaches on how to become more aware about your balance and how you move.
Despite the effectiveness of the technique to increase body height is still questionable, but the fact that it can improve our posture is a positive thing since you often will gain some extra height after you improve your posture.
An Alexander Technique lesson lasts about 30 - 60 minutes and costs from $40 to $100, depends on the location, the duration, and the trainer experiences.
Pilates exercises to increase height
Pilates was developed by the late Joseph Pilates. Pilates help to increase height by improving one's posture and causing him to stand taller. For people who fail to grow to their maximum body height, Pilates will be the right exercise to help them achieve the most out of their body by extending, strengthening, lengthening and stretching their body. Check out this article: Pilates as exercises to grow tall for more information about pilates and height increase.
Yoga exercises to increase height
Yoga is a very old regimen from India that promotes personal health, spirituality and wellness. It has demonstrated to help many people to stay in shape while simultaneously assisting them to live a healthy lifestyle. And when it comes to yoga and height increase, doing yoga does not increase one height, unless you're still in your growth phase. Rather, it helps to stretch and elongate your spine, thus creates space and develops your spinal muscles. You'll then hold yourself up more properly thus most likely look taller. Read further about yoga: Yoga Exercise for Height Increase
Height Increase Surgery
Height increase surgery is a set of procedure which is performed to allow the growth of the limbs. The cost of the surgery is not cheap, the risk is high and the whole process is long and painful. But since the height increase obtained from the surgery is very significant, many people decide to undergo the surgery. Learn more detail about height increase surgery here.
Source :
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Death of US Presidents
Lincoln & Kennedy
The Coincidences
President Abraham Lincoln and President John F. Kennedy died in tragic circumstances. Curiously, both the Presidents were elected exactly one
hundred years apart (1860 and 1960).Further how does one explain that :
Both the Presidents were assassinated on a Friday, in the presence of their
wives.Each wife had lost a son while living at the White House.
Lincoln was killed in Ford's Theater. Kennedy was killed in a Lincoln
convertible manufactured by the Ford Motor Company.The first name of Lincoln's private secretary was John, the first name of
Kennedy's private secretary was Lincoln.John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln's assassin) was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939, one hundred years later.
Both the assassins were Southerners who held extremist views. Both the
assassins were murdered before they could be brought to trial.Both the Presidents were deeply involved in civil rights for Black people.
Booth shot Lincoln in a theatre and fled to a barn. Lee Harvey Oswald shot
Kennedy from a warehouse and fled to a theatre.Both President's were killed by a bullet that entered the head from behind.
Both the Presidents were succeeded by vice-presidents named Johnson who
were Southern Democrats and former Senators.Andrew Johnson was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908, exactly
a hundred years later.LINCOLN and KENNEDY, each has seven letters. The names of both the
assassins are of 15 letters each.Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson, the Presidents who succeeded the
assassinated Presidents have 13 letters each in their names.
The assassinated presidents were Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley
and KennedyThose who died of diseases in office were F.D. Roosevelt, W.H. Harrison,
Taylor, and Harding.Disabled by "disease" includes Eisenhower, Wilson, Reagan, and perhaps
L.B. Johnson and the unsuccessful assassination attempts, which resulted in
serious injury in the case of Reagan. (Reagan escaped death by only 1/4 inch
from a gunshot to the heart)
William Henry Harrison - Ninth President - 1841
The "curse" actually started with William Henry Harrison in 1840.
The Whigs, in 1840 presented their candidate William Henry Harrison as a simple frontier Indian fighter, living in a log cabin and drinking cider, in sharp contrast to an aristocratic champagne-sipping Van Buren.
Harrison was actually of the Virginia planter aristocracy. He was born at Berkeley in 1773. He studied classics and history at Hampden-Sydney College, then began the study of medicine in Richmond.
Suddenly, in 1791, Harrison switched interests. He obtained a commission as ensign in the First Infantry of the Regular Army, and headed to the Northwest, where he spent much of his life. In the campaign against the Indians, Harrison served as aide-de-camp to General "Mad Anthony" Wayne at the Battle of Fallen Timbers, which opened most of the Ohio area to settlement. After resigning from the Army in 1798, he became Secretary of the Northwest Territory, was its first delegate to Congress, and helped obtain legislation dividing the Territory into the Northwest and Indiana Territories. In 1801 he became Governor of the Indiana Territory, serving 12 years.
His prime task as governor was to obtain title to Indian lands so settlers could press forward into the wilderness. When the Indians retaliated, Harrison was responsible for defending the settlements.
The threat against settlers became serious in 1809. An eloquent and energetic chieftain, Tecumseh, with his religious brother, the Prophet, began to strengthen an Indian confederation to prevent further encroachment. In 1811 Harrison received permission to attack the confederacy.
While Tecumseh was away seeking more allies, Harrison led about a thousand men toward the Prophet's town. Suddenly, before dawn on November 7, the Indians attacked his camp on Tippecanoe River. After heavy fighting, Harrison repulsed them, but suffered 190 dead and wounded.
The Battle of Tippecanoe, upon which Harrison's fame was to rest, disrupted Tecumseh's confederacy but failed to diminish Indian raids. By the spring of 1812, they were again terrorizing the frontier.
In the War of 1812 Harrison won more military laurels when he was given the command of the Army in the Northwest with the rank of brigadier general. At the Battle of the Thames, north of Lake Erie, on October 5, 1813, he defeated the combined British and Indian forces, and killed Tecumseh. The Indians scattered, never again to offer serious resistance in what was then called the Northwest.
Thereafter Harrison returned to civilian life; the Whigs, in need of a national hero, nominated him for President in 1840. He won by a majority of less than 150,000, but swept the Electoral College, 234 to 60.
When he arrived in Washington in February 1841, Harrison let Daniel Webster edit his Inaugural Address, ornate with classical allusions. Webster obtained some deletions, boasting in a jolly fashion that he had killed "seventeen Roman proconsuls as dead as smelts, every one of them."
But before he had been in office a month, he caught a cold that developed into pneumonia. On April 4, 1841, he died--the first President to die in office--and with him died the Whig program.
Harrison was referred to as the hero of "Tippecanoe" hence the campaign slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!" John Tyler was the governor of Virginia who became president upen Harrison's death. He sided with the Confederacy in the Civil War and his name was removed from the list of presidents in the White House.
A legend states that Harrison was cursed by an Indian Shaman for a massacre of Native Americans at the battle for which he became famous!
Harrison was a famous 'Indian Fighter' in the time period 1800-1815 - the battle of Tippecanoe took place in 1811, but the "curse" was the result of Harrison personally executing the great Indian chief Tecumseh in 1813!
A few years later, Harrison resigned from the Army and entered politics. He ran against Martin Van Buren in 1836 and lost; he ran again and won in 1840 but contracted pneumonia only a few months after the inauguration and died on April 4, 1841. Notice that the date April 4, 1841 is exactly 140 years to the week that President Ronald Reagan was shot! To put it another way- Harrison contracted his fatal disease and was probably bedridden on March 30 1841 although he actually died a week later.
President Abraham Lincoln: Elected in 1860. On April 14, 1865 John Wilkes Booth came up behind Mr. Lincoln and shot him in the back of the head near point blank range. He died the next morning. (actually, probably killed by doctors probing for bullet, but he would have been a "vegetable" at best had he lived)
President James Abram Garfield. Elected in 1880. On July 21, 1881 Garfield was boarding a train in Washington DC when he was shot by Charles Giteau. The President died on September 19,1881. assassinated (Actually, Garfield was definitely killed by his doctors probing for bullet; he would have completely recovered otherwise -- the doctors who thought the bullet went where in fact it did were overruled by their elders who thought otherwise, and who stuck unclean metal probes into the President's wounds in vain attempts to locate the bullet, introducing infection and making brand new holes and paths that just confused them all the more. The metal detector they tried would have worked to find the bullet, but they didn't think to move him off the metal bedsprings, so instead they kept poking, believing that Alexander Graham Bell's invention was useless.)
President McKinley - Elected First term - 1896 - Elected Second term - 1900 - Shortly after 4 o'clock on September 6, 1901when one of the throng which surrounded the Presidential party, a medium-sized man, of ordinary appearance, and plainly dressed in black, approached as if to greet the President. Both Secretary Cortelyou and Mr. Milburn noticed that the man's hand was swathed in a bandage, or handkerchief; reports of bystanders differ as to which hand. He worked his way amid the stream of people up to the edge of the dais until he was within two feet of the Chief Executive. The President smiled, bowed and extended his hand in that spirit of geniality which the American people so well know, when suddenly the sharp crack of a revolver rang out loud. McKinley may have been saved if doctors knew where the bullet was lodged. Since he was shot at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, NY there was an interesting new invention on display only a few yards from where McKinley lay -- the X-Ray machine! If they had carried him those few yards to this exhibit, doctors could have determined the exact location of the bullet, and would have probably been able to save his life. But as fate would have it, they did not consider the possibility and he died some days later from his wounds.
Elected in 1920. Warren Harding became the 29th President. Two years into office, he died of a heart attack. Although history has not been kind to Warren G. Harding, with personal and political scandals dominating Harding historiography until the 1960s, historians have reexamined and reappraised his presidency in the past twenty years.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Elected in 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944. He died in office in 1945. cerebral hemorrhage (stroke)
President John F. Kennedy - Elected in 1960. November 22, 1963 - President Kennedy was assassinated. He was shot as he drove through Dallas, Texas city in an open car.
Ronald Reagan. Elected 1980. He was shot in 1981 getting into his car on the street and came within 1/4" of losing his life with a bullet that came that close to his heart. John W. Hinckley Jr. was acquitted by reason of insanity for shooting President Ronald Reagan in 1981. He has been held in St. Elizabeth's Hospital since his trial and has petitioned the courts to win his release.
William Henry Harrison -The 9th President, who died in 1841 of pneumonia and pleurisy.
Zachary Taylor --The 12th President, who died in 1850 of bilious fever, typhoid fever, and cholera morbus, following a heat stroke.
Abraham Lincoln--The 16th President, was assassinated in1865. Lincoln was the first of four presidents to be assassinated
James Garfield--The 20th President, who was assassinated in1881.
William McKinley--The 25th President, who was assassinated 1901.
Warren G. Harding --The 29th President, who died in1923 of a suspected heart attack
Franklin Delano Roosevelt --The 32nd President, who died in 1945, of a cerebral hemorrhage
John F. Kennedy-The 35th President, who was assassinated in1963.
Source :
Monday, March 8, 2010
Cegah dan Kendalikan Diabetes
- Menurunkan berat badan. Lemak dalam tubuh dapat menyerap insulin.
- Hindari makanan berlemak, diawetkan atau goreng-gorengan. Sebaliknya, pilih makanan yang berserat tinggi dan glukosa kompleks.
- Kurangi makanan manis atau yang berkalori tinggi yang mengandung banyak glukosa.
- Minum banyak air.
- Berolahraga secara teratur.
- Hindari stres.
- Hindari alkohol atau softdrink.
- Hindari merokok. Penderita diabetes yang merokok bahkan lebih berisiko, karena kebiasaan mereka merusak jantung serta sistem sirkulasi, dan mempersempit pembuluh darah. Sebuah referensi menyatakan bahwa 95 persen amputasi yang berkaitan dengan diabetes dilakukan pada para perokok.
- Minum obat yang dianjurkan dokter untuk menurunkan kadar gula.
- Bagi penderita diabetes tipe 1, pemberian insulin secara teratur perlu diberikan melalui terapi insulin.
Obat penyembuh diabetes memang tidak ada, tetapi dengan mengendalikan gula dalam darah, seseorang dapat terhindar dari bahaya penyakit ini. Mengubah pola makan dan gaya hidup menjadi lebih baik dan lebih sehat harus dijalankan. Orang-orang yang menduga bahwa dirinya menderita diabetes hendaknya memeriksakan diri ke dokter yang telah berpengalaman dalam pencegahan dan penanganan penyakit diabetes.
"Melawan ketergantungan nikotin sangat sulit, tidak cukup dengan niat yang kuat saja namun juga butuh dukungan dari orang-orang terdekat dan bantuan medis."
Source :
Friday, March 5, 2010
Sharing tips for making a good password
2. Don't write it in a sheet of paper.
3. Make a password with a combination of all alphanumeric characters, like letters and numbers.
4. Don't use typical words you might find in your dictionary or a dictionary-attack word index file.
5. Don't use these lazy combination : "qwerty", "12345", etc.
6. Don't use the same password for each of your accounts.
7. Don't tell anybody your passwords.
8. Don't use a person, a company, or a pet typical names for your passwords or recovery questions.
9. If you think you don't need recovery questions anyway, just input bullshit around.
10. Well you may use a unusual words in English.
Source :
Monday, February 1, 2010
Menghitung Subnet (Share)
Example : 192 . 168 . 5 . 1 /21
Dirubah ke binary code : 11000000 . 10101000 . 00000101 . 00000001
Subnet masknya (21) : 11111111 . 11111111 . 11111000 . 00000000
Selanjutnya, hitung dengan cara "AND" (kalo 1 AND 1 = 1, 1 AND 0 = 0)
Hasilnya : 11000000 . 10101000 . 00000000 . 00000000 (Desimal : 192 . 168 . 0 . 0)
Cara menghitung jumlah network yang bisa dipakai
2^(jumlah bit yang sudah terisi (1) dalam satu byte (8 bit) yg berubah (11111000)) - 2
jadi, 2^5 - 2 = 30
berarti, ada 30 network/subnet.
Cara menghitung host per network
(2^(jumlah bit yg belum terisi (0) dalam satu byte (8 bit) yg berubah (11111000)) * 256 (byte terakhir)) - 2
jadi, (2^3 * 256) - 2 = 2046 host.
Jadi, subnet yg bisa d pakai 192 . 168 . 0 - 30 (dari hasil perhitungan jumlah network) . 0 - 255
Itu cara simplenya. Semoga bermanfaat, sorry klo ada kesalahan. Thx
"Let's try if you wanna know"
The Most Dangerous Drugs (just share)
Street Names : Abyssinian Tea, African Salad
Street Price : 4 pounds a bunch
UK Users : 40,000
UK Deaths per year : 0 recorded
#19 Alkyl Nitrite
Street Names : Poppers, Liquid Gold
Street Price : 2-6 pounds a bottle
UK Users : 400,000
UK Deaths per year : 0 recorded
#18 Ecstasy
Street Names : E, Love Drug, Hug Drug
Street Price : 1-8 pounds a pill
UK Users : 500,000
UK Deaths per year : 27
#17 GHB
Street Name : Liquid Ecstasy
Street Price : 5 pounds a dose
UK Users : N/A
UK Deaths per year : 3
#16 Anabolic Steroids
Street Price : 20 pounds for 100 tablets
UK Users : 42,000
UK Deaths per year : 0 recorded
#15 Methylphenidate
Street Name : Vitamin R
Street Price : 15 pounds a hit
UK Users : 40,000
UK Deaths per year : 0 recorded
#14 LSD
Street Names : Lucy, Trips, Paper Mushrooms
Street Price : 1-5 pounds a tab
UK Users : 83,000
UK Deaths per year : 0 recorded
#13 4MTA
Street Names : Flatliner, Golden Eagle
Street Price : 1-8 pounds
UK Users : N/A
UK Deaths per year : 0 recorded
#12 Solvents
Street Price : 2 pounds and up
UK Users : 30,000
UK Deaths per year : 50-60
#11 Cannabis
Street Names : Dope, Hash, Bob
Street Price : 40-140 pounds per ounce
UK Users : 3 million
UK Deaths per year : 1
#10 Buprenorphine
Street Names : Subbies, Temmies
Street Price : 2 pounds a dose
UK Users : N/A
UK Deaths per year : 2
#9 Tobacco
Street Price : 5+ pounds
UK Users : 10 million
UK Deaths per year : 114,000
#8 Amphetamine
Street Names : Speed, Whizz, Dexies, Billys
Street Price : 8-12 pounds a wrap
UK Users : 430,000
UK Deaths per year : 35
#7 Benzodiazepine
Street Names : Benzos, Downers
Street Price : 1 pound a dose
UK Users : 100,000
UK Deaths per year : 406
#6 Ketamine
Street Names : Special K, Vitamin K
Street Price : 15-40 pounds a gram
UK Users : 100,000
UK Deaths per year : 1
#5 Alcohol
Street Price : 1+ pound
UK Users : 40 million
UK Deaths per year : 40,000
#4 Street Methadone
Street Names : The Precious, Slime, Green
Street Price : 10 pounds per 100 ml
UK Users : 33,000
UK Deaths per year : 295
#3 Barbiturates
Street Names : Pink Ladies, Red Devils
Street Price : 1-2 pounds a tablet
UK Users : N/A
UK Deaths per year : 20
#2 Cocaine
Street Names : Charlie, Coke, Base
Street Price : 30+ pounds Powder, 10+ pounds for Crack Rock
UK Users : 780,000
UK Deaths per year : 214
#1 Heroin
Street Names : Brown, Skag, Gear, Smack
Street Price : 10-20 pounds a bag
UK Users : 300,000
UK Deaths per year : 700
Source : BBC Horizon
Thx for your attention
"Get busy living or Get busy dying"